Why are mushroom and hemp protein the best plant based sources of protein?
We're proud to say that our bacon is packed with 25g of clean plant protein per bag. As you and your favorite gym buddy know, protein is an essential nutrient that your body needs to build and repair tissues, and it's especially important if you're physically active.
When it comes to protein sources, you may be familiar with the popular options like soy or pea protein. However, you may not have considered the benefits of mushroom and hemp protein.
Mushroom and hemp protein are superior sources of protein when it comes to bioavailability. Bioavailability refers to the amount of protein that your body can actually absorb and utilize. There's a misconception that plant based protein isn't as good as animal protein. While soy and pea protein have decent bioavailability rates of around 85-90%, mushroom and hemp protein have even higher rates. Studies have shown that mushroom protein has a bioavailability rate of up to 98%, while hemp protein can range from 91-98%. By comparison, one study found that the protein in shiitake mushrooms has a bioavailability rate of 45% higher than that of egg protein. This means that you're getting more protein bang for your buck and equal to animal protein.
Next, let's consider the agricultural resources used. Soy and pea protein are typically grown in large monoculture fields, which can require a lot of water and fertilizer to maintain. This can lead to soil degradation, water pollution, and even deforestation in some cases.
Additionally, soy production is a major contributor of up to 80% of the deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, where vast swaths of land are cleared to make room for soy fields.
On the other hand, mushroom and hemp cultivation requires fewer resources and has a much smaller environmental footprint. Mushrooms can be grown indoors with 90% less water and land, while hemp can be grown without the use of pesticides or herbicides. In fact, hemp is often used as a "clean-up crop" to help restore soil health after years of conventional farming.
By choosing optimized protein sources, you can feel good about getting the nutrients your body needs while supporting a more sustainable food system.